“ Language Mugs was first created in June 2018 on Etsy. By December 2019 the website was created to ensure cheaper prices for our customers. We have shipping centres courtesy of Printful, Locations can be found in the US and Latvia and Australia to reach everyone worldwide. If you wish to sell your own mugs and t-shirts click Printful and you can start selling. “

“Our mugs were created by artist, youtuber and language enthusiast Chris Gajda (aka Adjag2). Chris Gajda was born and raised in Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada and has studied Anthropology and has a minor in Classics (Lakehead University) and Visual Arts in Warsaw Poland. He teaches art tutorials on youtube and has studied a wide variety of languages. He is also a certified English teacher and taught in Europe for several years. To connect with language mug customers and fans check out our official social media profiles. Click the links below. “
“The idea for my first mug actually first had its infancy as a bookmark. In order to study Polish declensions I decided to put all the most popular nouns and trigger words on a small piece of paper and laminate them and use it as a bookmark when I was reading a book in Polish. Then in 2018, when I was living in Poland (and unemployed) I realized that if I needed it others might as well. But instead of bookmarks I decided to use mugs and try selling them on Etsy. I figured if they were made on mugs they can be functional and durable not to mention waterproof. I ended up selling one and then I decided to create more languages. The idea was all my own and thought of independently. “
– Chris Gajda.
Reddit Facebook Page Instagram (2250 followers) Adjag2 Youtube (art channel)
Etsy shop (more expensive)